love the message about "your" M nothing makes a teacher happier to know there are kids that LOVE school!
between school webpage, email parents, I did a FB long ago~ just not into it
just cleaning up watching two games and serving dessert now!
had to turn grill on.... C called and they are brining friends so Flip had to run pick up more hamburger meat got to love a kid
yeah son in law "to be" said that is what his dad felt before he was hit by lightning on a clear day
cold air funnel..... this weather stuff is crazy as I left the cafeteria last week all of my kid's hair started standing up..... so much...
Mrs O923 Game time coming Hopefully our paths will cross this weekend first month of school DEMANDING ... getting individualized baselines so you...
hello Mrs 0923!
starting school....yikes I can tell you exactly the outfit my daughter wore then~ now the wedding dress. Time flies!
Open House and meeting the kids Monday night and school starts Tuesday...... Ready or not here we go!
Hey Pirate!
the pics are keeping Flip's heart running...... hahha
you may be out of teaching, but the mind hasn't failed you yet about the endless meetings~ LOL
how are you ???? hope all is well
hey have you talked to M.....has she gotten her teacher assignment? I don't know if they have been mailed, but should be shortly
Is "Gramps" feeling better?
where oh where are u
how's it going GoGo
so what will your name be?
okay the pubsters are wanting pics of your nurses! behave Flipster!