Could be three in a row for the state.
Wow! I'm sure she'll end up in Norman.
Pretty sure we are the home team tomorrow.
Way to go Gators!
8 pitches and a single. Ugh
Atta boy Wyatt! Leave Neely in?
If you’re going to bunt, get in there and commit yourself to the sacrifice!
That would be something. I bet Coppola starts off in the pen considering his injury history.
We helped their pitcher out that half inning.
Way to step up Cade!
It was exceptional!
A little more salve. I’m feeling better after downing that beer and scoring a couple runs. Still angry lol
A little salve on the wound at least.
That’s some tough luck there lol
Way to leg it out! Yeah!
Atta boy Cade!
Atta boy Luke! Now LFG!
Truly a bummer.