Catching up on this thread, but that is why I found your Chinese propaganda video so interesting. They don’t even have to lie about our...
Ouch! China is a propaganda machine and obviously full of shite. You can’t defend one thing the fake US said in that propaganda video though....
Thank you for sharing this. Have read it three times. It’s the most encouraging piece I have read through this entire pandemic by a long shot....
And while this is ranked per capita, you can’t ignore the total figures in column 3. 8.2mm in NYC versus 27k in whatever section of LA is most...
Comparing this to the flu is more dangerous than telling people to shoot up bleach. You have to be a complete idiot to drink (or whatever Trump...
Hilarious and depressing at the same time.
Yep. Have posted it before and will post it again, but after two days of Flu like symptoms, my resting heart rate was 140 trying to fight it off....
I kind of like GatorGuyDallas’ new thread for all Trump lies. It might prevent a few people like Louisville from finally seeing the light, but I...
What are your / her thoughts on the for profit testing center(s) in the state? I gladly paid the $150 fee to get 4 tests here. Three positives...
I didn’t get the call. Unfortunately did numerous Serological tests because I was far from asymptotic, and just read everything on them I could...
I think this and the potential asymptomatic people who tested positive in the Serological study you participated in both have big potential. Did...
Post #6090. And was in the ER Monday not Tuesday. Time flies when you are having fun.
If you guys want a ray of sunshine, I was literally in the ER Tuesday. Feel like a million bucks today, minus the fact I have coughed twice. Not...
Thanks. Also went on daily walks, but like you, stayed 12 feet away from everyone so failed to mention that. If I had to guess, it would be...
Jarvis Moss would swat my ping pong ball before it landed in a cup for beer pong. Always considered it cheating. Urban Meyer “cleaned him up”,...
Thanks, dude. I started in the same place as you, thought it would never impact me personally. Both sets of Grandparents were from Louisville, so...
I’m not in healthcare, but that sounds like protocol. I went into the ER because something didn’t feel “right”. Had no idea it would be my heart...
Feeling much, much better. Appreciate you asking. I'm 34 and got a full "executive physical" last fall. In perfect health, minus slightly...
At 34, which doesn't make me that young, they were more worried about my immune system overreacting and causing negative consequences. A basic IV...
Not sure if I am the first poster here to officially test positive, but here was my up close and personal story with C-19: Started with a dry...