STD? What responses are you hoping to elicit with this post? Are you just trolling?
Why was he a mistake and why is he a clown?
Is there a more whiney man in America? [MEDIA]
"Special counsel Jack Smith on Tuesday filed a superseding indictment in the election interference case against former President Donald Trump,...
What a fallacious summary! Let's consider the broader context. The government has a fundamental duty to protect its people, especially during...
FYI, this is so cringe as to be intentional. Are you trying to mock trump supporters' attempts at humor? If so, well done!
This thread is @magnetofsnatch's angst. Is he a leftie? You may be missing the plot in your trolling attempt.
I find this a cynical perspective (and unproductive). It is a hasty generalization to assume the 'press and dem voters' do not care and I know you...
Conversely, it can be viewed as free advertising for the Democrats as it demonstrates the Biden Administration tried to protect citizens, while...
I am not sure how the election result is germane to your OP. But if trump wins, I will continue my day-to-day activity of identifying outrage...
Ad hominem attack, great. SCOTUS has already reviewed this. Justices side with Biden over government’s influence on social media content...
Gawd. Here we go again with the histrionics and insinuations. "The government repeatedly asked us to control the spread of covid misinformation...
We are meeting right now about taking away your membership card. Jeez. :p
Ad hominem, strawman, poisoning the well and an appeal to ridicule. Great density for only 19 words. My compliments.
That is quite the gish gallop. Well done! How do you want us to respond to this combination of fear appeals, ad hominem attacks, personal...
Well, back to the old shtick, huh? Well, we will remember fondly the time you put forward a constructive argument. I thank you for that.
Paradoxical humor!
Looks like Coulter deleted her tweet. Good.
Can you prove that? Or is this more of your cult speak? Aren't Bill Kristol and Sarah Longwell key members of that group? I think they would be...