If you want to appear smart, I think it's best to keep your trust in Jack Posobiec to yourself.
If one does not complete required coursework for a promotion, does he fulfill the promotion requirements? If not, his promotion may not be...
Have y'all given any consideration to why he issued the press release that there was a chance of deployment? Particularly in light of the...
According this this article, Walz could retire anytime he wanted given his service. The commander had to sign off. The retirement request could...
'Semantics' you say. A contemporaneous press release by Walz stated the public affairs office warned of a "possible partial mobilization of...
I am disappointed in that. You are an enigma. The alert order to his old battalion was issued in July, months after he retired. Did the country...
This is from Vance: "When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the army and allowed his unit...
That is a sad and pitiful response to being refuted. Now that you've admitted you are wrong, please add a note to your earlier post about Walz...
Notable misinformation campaigns by Posbiec include Pizzagate, Seth Rich, Covid-19 and election fraud during 2020. Great "source"! :rolleyes:
Social Media Influencer Douglass Mackey Sentenced after Conviction for Election Interference in 2016 Presidential Race...
Then you seem to have challenges with comprehension or ethics. Again, do you think you have 1st Amendment rights to spread misinformation about...
You obviously didn't watch the whole video. Nor did you post the full video yourself. Do better. Be better. SMDH Do you think you can be...
With every post on this topic, you seem committed to disrespecting the sacrifices of American veterans. Do you think that elevates your argument?
Do you realize how easy it is to tweet something that is untrue? Case in point: [ATTACH] OMG!
Why are you propagating unsubstantiated tripe? Are you stupid, irresponsible or something else?