So where do you draw the line? If China invades Taiwain tomorrow, do we care? What about Mongolia? Do we care? What if Russia invades Moldova...
so anytime some country wants to invade another country should we just put you down as a “peace” person that doesn’t give a shit and just tell...
I don’t remember sections of the Republican Party saying bush sr was a threat to democracy at the time. That’s the part that annoys me.
I don't normally expect a conservative to do anything. But if they say "trump is a threat" then it bothers me that they don't do the logical thing...
We often drink together because of our lack of options lol. Another thing moderates on either side have in common I guess.
I wish there were more republicans left like you.
Well, being sad about our choices in November is something we all have in common! So hooray for that... COMMON GROUND! [IMG]
That's the thing - I didn't say that. Republicans justifying not voting for trump are usually the ones that say it. It's just weird that some of...
I do not really care about that part. What’s annoying is those people who cast their votes that way tend to act like they are absolved of...
1. Oh ok 2. Fair 3. It is wasted. I guess the reason this bothers me so much is people who vote third party try to absolve themselves of...
first, your vote wasn’t given to you by god. Second, you’re wasting your vote. Why not save the poll workers some time and just skip voting...
I didn't say anything about a clear conscience. Or that everyone should vote for Biden for that matter.
It’s not taking a stand. Sorry. Hard disagree. Voting third party over trump is voting for Biden and vice versa. So either choose trump or choose...
"Trump is the worst, he must be stopped" But also "I'll never vote for Biden" Makes me laugh every time. Way to take a stand.
I’ve been saying for months that their strategy here was flawed and Netanyahu was screwing them for personal reasons. I guess now that the Israeli...
Any reduction in public funding for parent choice is a non starter. If republicans want to hand out free cash for people to go to private schools...
it’s so annoying we aren’t doing this.
There is nothing wrong with having both public and private schools. I feel like people get sensitive about this debate, but if you have the...
Ukraine Invasion Day 848: first confirmed instance of GPS jamming on commercial trans-Atlantic route Interesting stuff in this one about some EW...