While our wins aren’t impressive, our losses no longer look as bad. I agree with most here: next two games will show more than first five.
All week I read that UCF's nation-leading rushing offense was going to feast on our weak d-line. We hold them to 1/3rd their season average. 108...
I was ok with ball-control offense the second half. UCF would only get back in the game if we had short, 3-and-out with shots down the field....
Geez, Vandy at Bama 2. 11-2 gap on first downs. Vandy scores.
USCe can't get out of their own way.
End of first. Vandy up 6, 107-79 on yards, and with the ball, just converted a 3rd and 8. On the Bama 22.
Ole Miss: "Hahaha CFB, we're gonna fake injuries." CFB Gods: "Ok, we'll show you some injuries."
I'm leaning toward agreeing with @bobbybaker86 ... USCe offense reminds me of Kentucky. Good beef, good ground game. But not ready to make 6+...
Maybe. Not so sure. Ole Miss gifted two short-ish fields. USCe leading on yardage. But two failed 4th down plays hurt.
Army and Navy both lay down a whoopin' today. They're both 5-0.
A&M with their second punt of the game, I believe.
A&M defense has been pretty good every game.
Missouri with some life, long KO return to A&M 38! 4 plays and -1 yards later, turnover on downs.
18 yard TD run, A&M hits 40 points 11 left in game. 501-191 yardage. Against the 9th ranked team. I continue to think: once past the first few...
Missouri comes into 4th quarter on a little bit of a drive. 1st play, converts a third. Then: backwards, 3rd and long complete a 4 yard pass,...
Agree on both. There are fans here who want him fired even if there's not a better replacement. It's become emotional. They're angry, they want...
444-161 total yardage. 2m left in 3rd.
You are correct. The sky might or might not be falling. It is, though, leaning precariously, wobbly...maybe the sky is just drunk? Would it...
The Missouri game is a reminder that nobody has any idea what might happen before any game.
At the risk of eating crow...I saw a number of predictions in the score thread about UCF getting past 40 points on us. Looking at UCF's games...