It’s outrageous that trump is appointing someone with knowledge of the subject matter. So un-trumplike.
$800 million penalty and brother can you loan me a dime?
He wants to set the interest rate cap on credit cards.
Fair point. OTOH it will keep his name on the front page and in big stories on TV.
No mention of stopping the sex change surgeries at school trump talked so much about. Does he no longer care about that?
Not what he said. He said Ric Scott was in charge of the largest (at that time) healthcare fraud. As he was CEO of the guilty company that is a...
I would imagine he gets through without much problem.
Most likely this is a shot across trump’s bow reminding him of the kompromat the Russians have on him. Better behave donald or else
Well, as Mr Smith leaves town and because trump will never be held accountable for anything i hope Smith leaves us with a report that lays out all...
Just be sure to always have your papers on you
Wow, so no more advice and consent - those icky constitutional things? And just look at the quislings scurry into line. Here comes Herschel...
Yeah, tried responding to your OP but it got gone before i could post
Yep, too coordinated and well targeted messages for a mere MAGA sitting at home
The “kitty” hats were in protest of a man and idea that when you are a star you can grab ‘em by the p***y. Sadly that kind of behavior was not a...
Yep. Reason i wondered was there was a very senior administrator in my agency, an alcoholic pill popping wreck who did some very egregious things...
If that qualifies as a disability, can he still be fired?
Why, does she speak in GIFs or something?
Interesting (or not) factoid Wiles is the daughter of Pat Summerall the former sportscaster. Edit: Gator Princess beat me too it.
Horrible to hear. What makes someone do this? So much at risk and for what? This will be the straw that broke SS’s back. He cannot weather this...
I can remember when there was a single macaque loose in E. G’ville. It caused quite a stir in the neighborhood. For some readon the SO asked me to...