Like the lumberjack said when the ax hit him in the groin: Won’t be long now. Documents from a lawsuit regarding accusations against Gaetz have...
Forget the rest. Do you not think the spate of Russian people publicly critical of Putin meeting untimely, unusual deaths isn’t attributable to...
Keeps on happening. Ballet star is a klutz and deserved it. Ron Filipkowski ( edit: and Bluesky wont post here. Alas
That’s because it is just populism. There is no overarching philosophy of populism - its just whatever the leader says it is and it doesn’t end...
trump’s educational agenda was to pay a smart kid to take the SAT for him. The guy should be following a do better educational agenda and not a...
And makes trump look like more of a cuck even than his wife’s BF in NYC does.
Different species have different levels of adaptability to disturbance. Bears are extremely adaptable to human presence as humans purposefully or...
The Trump dance is becoming a trend around the NFL Its one of the recognized symptoms of CTE
So bizarre i cannot fathom its impetus. So, women may no longer talk to one another? Just about total control of women now. Taliban forbids women...
Alas, he has very little else in his resume and nothing that would qualify him for such a position requiring high trust and integrity.
He has been Churchillian in his leadership of his country during the invasion. He will be a legend among Ukrainians.
This a rhetorical question, right?
Just another instance of a pedophile brought to justice.
Sure do work though
It only takes Krispy Kreme to catch bears.
In words of dearly departed Saint John of the latter day poets "You can gaze out the window get mad and get madder, Throw your hands in the air,...
Its fine. Let's go with this. I made the cut
Then we mint a $5T coin and viola’
Yeah, I can’t understand it either since we were repeatedly told he was irrelevant and to just forget anout him because he was done.
Disagree. They will blame immigrants.