After the defense rests, the State CAN present rebuttal testimony. IT CANNOT be the same witness offered in the state's case in chief saying what...
While Ford told her therapist and others in 2012, did she NAME Kavanaugh at that time?
Has there been evidence that she was drinking and that Kav forced her to drink and get drunk?
False. She would have to testify in the prosecution's case in chief. Then the defense puts on their case. MAYBE the state puts on a rebuttal...
25 years of practicing civil law and I make every jury understand that as the Defendant, my client doesn't have to prove anything. If the...
Come on, counselor. You know better than that. NO ONE, regardless of who they are, has to testify in a criminal matter. PERIOD. Regardless of...
5 people? Sounds like a lame "party" to me.
Did she ever tell her parents about this? I can see not going to the police, but I would hope she would have told her mom and dad.
I see what you did there
I guess the 5th amendment would get in the way.
Which is ironic considering Pres. Clinton's past.
And, how does the FBI have jurisdiction over this?
That was Eric Stratton, Rush Chairman, and he was damn glad to meet you.
I had four parties in my apartment in 1986-87 in Gainesville. Each one had over 100-200 people, spilling outside the front and back doors. If...
Pretty sure she identified him in class in January, after his redshirt year and before he was the starting QB.
Why should one put more stock in one witness's statements over another at this point in the proceedings?
That's the million dollar question. And, I have no idea how he clears his name, regardless of whether he becomes a S. Ct. Justice.
1) No independent verification. He said, she said and the alleged third person in the room says it did not happen. 2) Appears to be an isolated...
Good point. The boy who cried wolf syndrome could be an issue going forward.
So, I guess what he did (or didn't do) IN HIGH SCHOOL, is far more important and relevant than anything he did on the bench.