That’s hard to believe. At least here in Florida. Most people’s largest expense is housing. And housing costs have gone through the roof since...
Go now. Your $s will go a long way.
Massa is also the current Minister of Economy, presiding over one of the worst economies of the region. I guess ‘it’s the economy stupid’ doesn’t...
Is there evidence that Taylor Swift or Harry Poter is really bad for kids? There seems to be growing evidence that social media is indeed very bad...
He already explained. It came on his twitter feed from far right wing trolls.
Quoting extreme right people isn’t helping your case.
So first they support Hamas and now their war aims? Did you even read the article you posted? And these wretched people are high school kids. I do...
Surprised at your attitude but you do you. I have no issue with kids peacefully expressing support for Palestinians. Comparing that to supporting...
Are you deliberately equating support for Palestinians with support for Hamas?
They are working on a top secret skit. [ATTACH]
The ole suckering useful idiots to promote your article for free. Mission accomplished Maxim marketing team!
What a clown show the GOP has become.
But that was the point of the discussion. Most people’s ‘net worth’ has increased due to the unprecedented increase of housing prices. As I said...
How does it allow for less savings? How would you pay for an unexpected large expense with your primary home equity? The only way to tap into it...
Agree. And primary home equity is not very useful unless you are willing to downgrade. And with the current interest rates, moving or even tapping...
I’d be fine with high interest rates if the prices took a sharp dive, but here in South Florida they haven’t let up.
I remember this case well. I knew a very nice lady who was very close that whole family.
Nah, it’s probably a covert special agent of the Iranian government. Because crossing the border with a bunch of Mexicans, where they’ll stick out...
Agree, but not really my point, which was hypocrisy and callousness. I find the images of kids being gunned down atrocious, hard to process. But...
The OP said Biden created this bullshit. Sounds like he thinks Biden created the border.