The Japanese were worse than the Nazis. But facts left this thread a while back.
Careful there. Some on this thread are going to label you an antisemite.
That has to be fake. All Palestinians support Hamas.
WWII Japanese honorable? You might want to brush up on some history.
Did they really call Stoudemire an NBA legend? lol
I’m shocked we have so many hypocrites in this country. I never noticed them before.
You literally just dismissed actual Nazi rallies as ‘fringe’. lol
Normalizing? As usual you completely missed the point.
The fine print on that map is ridiculously broad. I’m sure my posts on this thread would show up as a dot too.
You are really stretching there. When you have members of congress blaming Jewish space lasers for global warming, and still remaining power...
Not my intention to dogpile anyone. The OP isn't the only one all of a sudden ‘shocked’. But after the last few years, the fact that so many are...
I’m pretty much quoting the OP. You are the one adding a lot of interpretation.
Did you read the fine print? What exactly is implicit support for Hamas?
That would be a fair post but it doesn’t resemble the OPs. Just a few weeks ago we had a bunch of Nazis take over a bridge in Orlando. And of...
We’ve had literal Nazis parade themselves around all over the place the last few years. Yet people are now ‘shocked’? lol
Boohoo. Ammosexuals are the real victims here.
LMAO. Total Karen, or is it a Ken
All those Palestinians babies have it coming for supporting Hamas.
So all BS as usual. Turns out he just signed paperwork and tried to take credit. lol
Foreign people get gunned down by terrorists -> let’s stop at nothing to eradicate this threat, no matter the cost or innocent lives lost...