A shirtless man? Outrageous.
We are all shocked.
I wouldn’t believe it had I not seen it with my very own eyes. This is the clown show half of America wants to re-elect. We deserve whatever we get.
Dumb PR stunt, if it’s even real at all. What regulations are they escaping? There aren’t any. lol
No wonder they want Biden to step down.
At this point, I’m good with offering him the head coach position.
Seattle and Miami are as different as any two large cities in the country. ‘Better’ will depend on what kind lifestyle someone wants.
Have you been to Seattle? Yes there are homeless in some downtown areas, but it’s a great city. And Amazon has contributed significantly. Their...
Maybe Amazon will finally open a corporate office in Florida. Third most populous state in the country and all we get are warehouses.
Great, another billionaire moving to South Florida to drive real state prices further into the stratosphere. While all the high paying jobs he...
A couple of them must post here.
Watch the video. Stop being a drama queen and commenting on things you haven’t bothered to watch or read.
She literally mentions antisemitism. You clearly didn’t even watch the video.
You would think, but reading some of the responses on several of these threads, I don’t beleive it.
Just on this page. These are the childish ridiculous responses I’m referring to. “Impossible to do, but that's what they want, even if it leads...
You missed the point. The point is people are being attacked for expressing compassion for Palestinians.
This is unfortunately where we are at. To some, compassion is enabling terrorism. There’s no room for nuance. You can’t both support Israel’s...
And that was incorrect too. Most Japanese were completely unaware of the bombs. It’s not like they had internet or a free press. The bombs were a...
It wasn’t the deadliest either. Our bomb raids on Tokyo killed more people. But you never hear people debating whether that was necessary.
The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack on a neutral country without any declaration of war. There was nothing honorable about it. FDR...