In past years, I've seen satellite temperature views where you could see the cold (cooler) water wake behind a storm. But the extent of that...
Just had a feeder band come through our backyard in Broward with some SERIOUS gusts. One of the pool deck umbrellas (closed) was blown over -...
Only saving grace is high tide would be 1pm on Tuesday, and not again until 2pm Wednesday. Peak surge is likely to be overnight, coinciding with...
Really not that unusual. A storm doesn't move itself, it gets pushed around by other weather systems. There were no good steering currents the...
Yeah, I was responding to seeing it on 96's post above mine.
Nobody wants to see an "M" on this chart...
Indeed - aged like a cup of milk left out. I did qualify it with "right now" and "hope it stays that way". The NHC Discussions over the weekend...
Let's write an honest headline: Bail Request Denied for Alleged Trump Co-conspirator who Attacked FBI Agents
93 Invest? Definitely AOL, haha...
Right now, it doesn't look like conditions are favorable for significant development.. Hoping it stays that way, it's gonna be labor day weekend...
What a ridiculous straw man argument. Nothing Trump did was about unraveling or uncovering fraudulent votes. In fact, he was the one ASKING...
Only way down south, off Mexico. By the time you move north to CA, it's more like 60... The fast moving northward motion is the only reason...
This is the culmination of Newt's long term strategy to vilify the opposition, and convince everyone they are "evil". Now you don't actually need...
This is interesting.... I'm a little surprised there isn't data somewhere to point the finger at causal factors. Is there a post-Covid YOLO...
I stand corrected. My Google-fu says this went into effect in 1998. Am I right in thinking before that they used voter registration rolls?
Is that even possible in GA? In FL, the jury pool is pulled from the registered voter list.
No, the former president can think or say anything he wants about the election. That's free speech, 1st amendment. What he can't do is conspire...
Does this position by Fox News Personality Alan Dershowitz somehow absolve Trump of conspiracy to defraud the US through the fake electors plot?...
I remember the south side of east Maui as being grassland and exceptionally dry. I was shocked to realize it's on the wet/green western side.
That's really a shame.... that tree was so impressive in person. Pics/video don't do it justice. Never saw anything quite like it.