Job growth was overestimated by more than 770,000 last year. Put differently, about 1 in 4 jobs that were supposedly added last year never...
The polls from Fox are manipulated by the sleaze ball Daron Shaw. They also have a poll that puts "The Future of Democracy" as the #1 concern of...
Every time you insinuate MAGA is a cult, your IQ drops a bit. You can't afford too many more of these accusations.
The cult of 75 million and growing.
I don't. Could you share that with me please?
You had a Russian collusion treble hook in your mouth for 4+ years, and you want to accuse others of accepting the company line. Just like an...
Trump was convicted on made-up charges to protect Biden. Hunter received a sweetheart deal to protect Biden. It's all a smokescreen. Our DOJ is...
Hopefully, they will call him out for this : “If they wanna think to take on government if we get out of line … guess what? They need F-15s! They...
You don't have to read or watch CNN ever. When CNN challenges a Democrat, it makes the conservative news sites because it's rare. The challenges...
No. You're not paying attention.
Here's a complaint that most of the country cares about: The Biden border 'crackdown' has already failed as illegals flood across
New Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that while 637,000 foreign-born workers joined the U.S. labor market in the last year, almost 300,000...
Zero Hedge is far smarter than anything mainstream, and they were quoting Wong, who works for Bloomberg, for much of the article. Inside The Most...
Tax cuts would be one. The truth about Trump's tax cuts by the numbers, not by Biden: Andy Puzder
At least she is female. As Miss Maryland, This Man In A Dress Will Interact With Kids
The Biden administration did overstate 439,000 in 2023. They continue to do this monthly and recalculate quietly. If they gave us the real...
Yes, you're always correct, but you do have low emotional intelligence.
I'm surprised it took this long with the interest rates so high. The number of homes built in Florida in the last 3-4 years is depressing. The...
dras·ti·cal·ly /ˈdrastək(ə)lē/ in a way that is likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect. "Now her fortunes have changed drastically."...