She garnered about 1.5% of the Democrat primary. She is not well-liked.
It's the Harris Honeymoon.
No, judge now. Life sentence.
She also said she has not visited the site and did not speak to the few SS that were at the event until 72 hours after the assassination attempt....
The election that had drop boxes to collect fake votes. The election that excepted mail in ballots without signatures. The election that stopped...
Please share with us what authoritarian or dictatorial moves Trump made in his 4 years.
It's not. If Obama does not think she can win, he will choose someone else.
MTG is really annoying, and so are these hearings, which only accomplish sound bites.
[MEDIA] This is pretty hard to refute—three shots, then five shots, followed by one shot. His Twitter is blowing up.
Senator Lee lays it out for you here. Note he does not mention rapid DNA tests for adults bringing children over the border. This was in place...
First off, the lawfare against the man is criminal. He keeps surviving all the Dems dirty tricks and their hypocritical attacks. That alone...
They cannot control Manchin, and he is not as moderate as you think.
I think they will.
They either choose Harris to keep the campaign money or it goes down ballot. It is a lot of $, but may actually be better spent down ballot.
Where is the video? Where is the picture of the gesture? Who are the people making this claim? Was the black protester one of the people trying...
When the liberals here cannot refute your simple statements of fact, they deflect. More often than not, the deflection is not even true.
You have different issues. You gave Putin on the brain 24/7. Do you realize The View is not a good place to get your news?
You have issues. That convention was the most inclusive upbeat convention in our history.
It's not going to be Harris. She embarrasses her own party. 25% of her dialogue is cackling. It's going to the convention. I really have no...