Can't do that - I don't live near any Trumpies like you do.
c) both
I just cleaned up a crap from my dog that has more knowledge about these things than does Tommy Tuberville. Carry on.
Knowingly implementing a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. And all the concomitant criminal aspects of that that we know well by now....
Well, it's nice to see you acknowledge supporting a traitor, at least. Carry on.
That's a strange post. Tbh, it doesn't make much sense to me. But what I said is perfectly clear; we had a sitting POTUS who lost an election...
It's a shame that Bidens diminution overshadowed the litany of crazy bullshit and lies we heard from the desperate felon. It was WORSE than the...
You strongly support the criminal traitors who attacked our government, motivated by the lies of the now-convicted felon as part of his criminal...
Crazy times. Amazing how many Americans support a traitor and those who enact his criminal conspiracy. Does that make them traitors? It will...
Trump will only pick someone with close ties to the Kremlin, ayy comrade?
It will be interesting to see if the USSC and House Trumppublicans successfully conspire to keep Steve Bannon from serving the sentence for his...
In this thread attacking the Capitol and hundreds of police is a good thing. At least to the supporters of a rapist, traitor, convicted...
It's at least fun to watch the shills for the rapist felon pretend that because Biden is clearly way too old.....that they don't support a...
Is there any.....well, debate.....that Biden did terribly in that debate? Or that it most likely had serious negative impact on his electability?...
No. Try again. Joe Bidens miserable debate performance and clearly advanced age don't mean people like you get to push your baseless narratives...
I don't want to drag you down a rabbit hole, off on a can pick the metaphor. But at least one of the things you mentioned as a...
Your criminal looked like the brainless criminal that he is. My candidate simply looked way too old...well, we saw how he looked. As far as you...
A fire hose of lies, as long as it's delivered with confidence, works just fine. It's enough to make stupid people think Trump would be a good...
Definitely. But also Biden is not capable of doing so. I'd thought he was. I was apparently incorrect.
Trump is babbling like a dip$hit about nato paying.....when the question was about a Palestinian state. But Biden is a corpse