This. Rural schools just need to eliminate the grooming and the teachers who groom. Then there wouldn't be a need for charter schools. Also.......
You spew out a lot of words, and cloak them in pseudo-legalese jargon. But at the end of the day, you're just excuse making and shilling for a...
Jesus, that guy's still around? What, did he just emerge from his coffin after a 4 year sleep?
This. But we're going to sell out getting on the right track, energy-wise, in exchange for a lot of no-show bookings at our traitor future...
Next thing, poor rural Trumppublicans will try to preserve the Affordable Care Act. Then they'll vote for Trump. Again. The important thing,...
Wow, that was extremely clever. Cut and paste. But yes, actually I DID do cut and paste. And it highlights how absurd your point is. Actually...
If we keep negatively characterizing the people who are willing to vote for a twice-impeached, convicted felon, adulterous, racist rapist, who...
This. This got lost in the shuffle, even though it's clearly been known and stated for a while. The fake USSC took approximately 120 days to...
Very much hoping that "da snowglobe" will be the next great Trumppublican catch phrase.
Just stop. The Republican party has chosen to defend and lie for a criminal, from the impeachment hearings to the court trials to the judicial...
They rilly rilly hate lawfare.* *They'll next hate whatever their orange spiritual guide tells them is really super bad. Windmills?...
Entered thread in order to further stoke my rage and hatred of Barrack Obama and George Soros. Leaving disappointed. :(
That was awesome. And I thought your witty baseball metaphor was good the first time......
So many claim to be patriotic. And/or against crime. Until they fall in love with a convicted felon, criminal, traitor, rapist who accepted help...
Say what?!?!?! You are going to compare ANY of those things, all of which pertain to a genuine government action or policy (however bad,...
LOL. The Columbine massacre would have been most easily prevented with rational gun legislation. That was an 18 year-old buying multiple weapons...
Well, if you supporters of a criminal traitor can convince yourselves that the January 6th traitors were just normal tourists who were invited in,...
This. And Trump will personally have picked 1/3 to appx 1/2 of the (fake) Supreme Court, and who knows how many federal judges. Whose sole...
I don't think you Trumpies realize how funny and illogical some of your claims are. The Hunter laptop is totally real because the Biden DOJ is...
And blame fake conservative voters who vote for a political party criminal organization that defends and lies for a traitorous criminal. "I...