To be sure you understand what I am saying. Slavery because of a race is not what I am asking. If every human has a right to set their own...
I agree!!! I also think we stop them coming through as much as possible until what you say happens. There is no way we can handle 12,000 a day,...
I will probably regret asking this!! You state that slavery was immoral. What makes slavery immoral? Who sets the guidelines for what is immoral...
I know you are but what am I!! Childish much?
Looking guilty and being guilty are two separate things. If it's a proven fact than why do you say IF? Could it possibly be that we have laws and...
Perfect example!!!
OH!!!!!!! Wait a minute. Please see the highlight. I thought from everything you and others have said this is a proven fact!!!
I don't understand why this has become such a right vs left thing. For crying out loud, this is Harvard, shouldn't we all agree that the...
Kinda like whats happing at the border to Texas
Your statements and reports with no proof Desantis actually lied to the migrants don't make them true!
Trump using same defense that Biden uses. He did not talk business with his son's after he gave them the business to run while President. That...
Why not sue the federal government? They are the cause!
I tend to agree. The only place I waver is making these decisions that are not reversable for younger children. Yet I do want the parents'...
More people going to the emergency room rather than their doctor, just what they need!!! That will definitely help the bend the curve, the...
You make it sound that affirming that your born male child is a male, or your born female is a female is somehow wrong? Yet, do you support...
How nice of you to declare FoxNews not a serious news outlet when it's their primetime stars shows you quote, not the actual news. Anyone...
. 11 breeches are a far cry from what's coming now!! I don't know why anyone that wants to try and assist Americans before we let the rest of the...
I may be obtuse here, but why wouldn't you give gender affirming drugs, etc. to the boys or girls that are actually what sex they were born as?...
You can argue each one of these and how they effected the border, but the general consensus is Trump was trying to slow immigration, while Biden...