If they are breeding these monkeys and the female monkey decides she doesn't want to be pregnant, can she get an abortion?
Both you and mikemcd make great points. Why didn't Tucker show more? Probably because Fox News fired him, but I still don't understand it. This...
This is where the problem is. To the left the issue is settled and time to move on. Total disregard for nearly half the population of the...
I really like the idea but need to address gerrymandering districts if you want government to be functional. Not sure how the federal government...
That will be next!!! But it will have some carve outs for the "selected classes".
Allow them to have billions of tied up funds and resume exporting valuable oil. Bam. Funds are flush, let's go see who we can kill today!!!
Common sense approach to withhold judgement until we see everything!!! That is really asking a lot for most on this board that jump to their...
Let's not jump to too many conclusions yet. But if the aide testified to seeing something at a specific time and the time stamp on the video...
Selective release of edited video. Hmmmm.... You talking about the made for TV production sham J6 committee hearings? I know a lot of what happen...
[IMG] [IMG] Have no fear for the climate Czars are here!!!!
Hyperbole much!!! Better get that prepper home ready!!! You are an absolute idiot if you think Trump is going to turn this country over to...
This kind of rhetoric really helps the discourse also!! You have just called me a dumb moron. Do you really think I have any care to read...
I believe it is why Congress has like a 10% approval rating. The problem always is though we continually vote for our guy that we give that kind...
I agree 100%. Quit talking about what they want and what they WOULD do and pass something. It drives me crazy!! The last time the R's were in...
Yes, I am gullible, but the left is totally virtues and doesn't do anything for political gain. Who is the gullible one again?
So, now that we are playing that one representative speaks for the entire party, remember that when it comes back at you. And don't throw the...
So, does the Senate Dems wait for conviction to remove him or will they remove him now?
I think that is demonstrating absurdity by being absurd. The same thing Rush Limbaugh did on a daily basis and sent the left into wild tizzies...
I'm not really sure why anyone is in need of any financial assistance with this booming economy known as "Bidenomics"