It is the left here that is going nuts because a few right leaning media folks made some statements. I hardly see the right on here acting like...
You can rationalize this all you want and try to blame it on Trump. He is the reason for the pandemic and all people who died, all the business...
This is so stupid!!!! Because a handful of media types on the right have voiced their opinion of displeasure, as probably the majority of people...
Really at the end of the day "So What?" He doesn't want to end legal immigration; he wants to slow it so all the illegals that have come can...
Ok, but they didn't have anything to offer???
Damn them greedy corporate scoundrels!!!!! Need to put price controls in!
Good stuff!!!!!
She must have deleted the recent planting of coke also!!!!
LOL, reread what you wrote and if you don't see what I was implying in my post then my post was absolutely spot on!!!
To be honest I could really care less how some cycling club wants to be run. But I do firmly believe that when you offer a female division of...
Not trying to be snooty here. But I would ask how many of you actually work for a corporation or own a business and actually sign the front of the...
You are making a very good point as to why the Hunter Biden stuff needs to be investigated!!!! Besides I thought Joe was not in office when some...
Using your logic, I'm going to open a bar and allow any age girls in that wants to come in. I'm running it so it should be my choice and if you...
Just like with many business that there are options to not use. They will profit as much as they can until market share dips, then they will...
You make the point yourself that it is not greedflation!!! You have choses but are willing to pay for what Publix is offering, that is not...
So, attempting to get political research on an opponent is illegal? You don't get anything, and you don't use anything but by gosh you tried so...
You can also purchase a cake somewhere else. How did that go over? You can also drink from a different water fountain. You can choose to not go...
Not voting machines though!!! Sorry had to throw that in. LOL!!