Your posts are basically what Bluke's would be if they were words, not GIFs. You don't inform, affirm, enlighten, offend, expand, oppose, amuse,...
Mother of God, look at these Trump shills; excuse making and justifying his vile, scummy, un-American politicization of a disaster. Not a shred...
LOL. Trump calls out incompetent right-wing politicians all the time, doesn't he? Well, he calls them that if they don't support his...
Trump's pardon of the guy sentenced to 22 years for seditious conspiracy will, according to the pardoned felon himself, ensure that the group has...
^ Yup. It's weird to see them still lie. Imagine being a grown adult and not just believing, but repeating the lies of that lying con man.
The Republican Party has chosen to become a criminal organization. Led by a criminal.
No, sorry. Using some weird term from the 1950's isn't an excuse for trying to perpetuate the untrue lie that was lied by Trump for 4 years after...
They lost because Republicans like to elect traitorous, un-American criminals. Love it, in fact.
Why do Trumppublicans always post things that are not true?
Chuck Grassley is all over this. I'm sure he's gong to be a stickler for the law - might even try to reverse this. Cuz he rilly rilly cares...
Our country does. Has for probably 70+ years. And yes, it's by design. Because business wants it that way and they control both parties. Only a...
Same. But then again, MAGA voted for a guy who literally stated that schools were performing unauthorized sex change surgeries without the...
You voted for a man who physically and forcibly either non-consensually assaults the genitalia of unwilling, physically less powerful females, or...
Here. Learn. Enjoy your rapist. Dismissing the counterclaim, a judge in New York, Lewis A Kaplan, said that when Carroll repeated her...
Oh, I'm very normal. There just reaches a point where I have difficulty respecting the ideas of people who consciously acknowledge that the...
I think there won't be another. So in the meantime I apply certain basic standards. Like not casting a vote for a rapist to be President of the...
I at least got one to admit that he doesn't care that the guy he voted for has absolutely no plan to fix the problem. He just wants to see things...
Ever feel like you're debating children?
If that's how you justify incompetence, then that is your choice. I'm still intensely curious about how Incompetent Don plans to offset the loss...