Say what ?! Poster doesn't make any effort whatsoever to actually learn a gottdarn thing about the issue...... but chooses to repeat the Trumpy...
Knowing nothing about this, I was wondering if he was just babbling nonsense to distract people from all the current insane criminality, like...
^ The good thing is that we can all be certain that Rapey Don has thought this through and has a well reasoned, detailed plan for the USA to...
I don't know, man. You apparently find him so far removed that he could never have been a Republican.... But by that line of thinking, some would...
In this thread, the patriots who love America don't want the IRS to be able to collect taxes. From rich people. * * But then, they voted...
Welp, it looks like things are becoming clear; Trump won't be able to bother to try to lower grocery prices. But he'll almost certainly be...
There are two choices; that, or OP deliberately posts thread titles and info that is untrue. There's probably a more specific word for doing that.
Biden prevented another global pandemic, because he didn't want to see a repeat of Trump just lying to the the American public, telling them to...
^ Trump has no plan whatsoever for egg prices. At least Democrats have a plan to lower grocery prices by making Trump fulfil his campaign...
Wow - this is possibly a new low even for Trump. And that is clearly saying something. Will be fascinating, sad and funny to see the Trumpies...
Yeah, in I'll agree with you to an extent. Not for all posters, obviously, but in many cases. But that's where you need to, and consistently fail...
Trump totally FAILED to see this coming, and to do anything to protect our stock market and AMERICAN companies. He was just out golfing, and also...
Guess we can see what the markets think of Trump's "leadership." Get ready for more losing America!! [ATTACH]
Imagine being a grown adult and thinking that any of this Elon Musk-y DOGE bullshit is a good idea.
"I think that as long as these people rilly rilly luv Donald Trump, then that's the most important thing." - MAGA
The Affordable Care Act. Serious question; you actually haven't read about that?
LOLOL. We just honestly couldn't make this stuff up. Is this what's spreading in the right-wing fake-media hate-o-sphere? Is this a preview...
LOLOL. Your butt is still aching over some post from 3 months ago? :) Sorry but I do not think "Killing 40,000 (then) civilians is too many"...