Pretty sure that DEI caused the plane crash. Trump said so. What a vile piece of human garbage. Trump blames DEI for weakening FAA in aftermath...
Tripe. Maybe would have been interesting as a GIF?
Is your posting just a collective Jedi Mind Trick? Democrat voters "would rather people suffer" because they are the ones that made sure Donald...
So the violent criminals Trump pardoned will be able to threaten society while roaming free? #WINNING
The below from today's WaPo. Hilarious how this whole effort just seems to be intended to make people feel scared...... of strong, powerful Trump...
To be fair, this is a pretty smart career move. This will definitely get her bounced to near the top of the list for numerous positions, possibly...
Apologies for mischaracterizing your post. I think I'm just rankled by this strange Trumpy assault on our government. And I work for a...
Best post ever. Supposedly there are now real concerns with time sensitive supplies going to waste because people may be furloughed with zero...
Did you really? Most employees feel like they provide good service for a fair wage. I'm sorry that you apparently don't feel that way.
For once I'm going to agree with you. His "own people", of course being those who enforce the law. Your "own people", of course, elected a felon.
It's not Mt. Rapist, sorry. Here's one more suitable though: [ATTACH]
Oh. I must just not be aware of all the US corporations and their mega-efficient programs to deliver huge quantities of global aid. Any links to...
What evidence or factual basis do you have for saying that?
Or educating ignorant people who believe lies?
Some very fine (Trumpy) people might not like this XO, if it's real. [ATTACH]
Lawfare. Also, remember when almost the entire Democrat political leadership went to hang out at the courthouse, outside his trial, to give press...
Why are you telling anyone this?
These are people who saw him enact a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, which included a violent component in which hundreds of police...
RFK Jr. is a true patriot, who is even going so far as to reference The Unspeakable Time and The Unspeakable Place his quest to make...
Elmo gonna make a lottt of money off this. I'm sure the Orange Skidmark will hold him very accountable if it doesn't work, though. Our tax...