Bet he is back on a force when h gets out in two years.
H2O will not build up in the atmosphere. It will precipitate out. Eventually it will end up in the oceans. Mitigating water vapor seems easier...
I suspect these trolls are all from a few people. I always enjoy reading this board more after I have ignored them.
You remind me of a kid who puts his fingers in his ears and claims he can’t hear anything anyone is said.
He could work on his next book: My Struggles
Protecting free speech means protecting speech you disagree with. Not sure why this student wanted to be an example along with the Nazis in Skokie...
When I was at UF I thought of the plaza as UFs version of speakers square at Hyde Park. Then they started paving it. At first I liked the idea of...
Absolutely none of my business and feel free not to answer but it was a bone marrow transplant, wasn’t it? I am glad your daughter is doing...
Ha ha. You think you know what I would say just say it to yourself for me. Feel free to add any invectives you like.
Is responding to this worth the vacation from the sight I would get? Let me think on this.
How long was skeletor a resident before running for governor?
I didn’t know. You learn something knee every day. I have never liked anyone who moved from Ohio to Florida. I assume they are all former national...
I am not so sure I am ready to judge them like that. How old were they? Most national guardsmen are young. Whoever sent armed guardsmen to break...
I am in favor and support all research in fighting cancer. I was tempted to say something bringing up the stupidity of the antivax crowd but...
I am not certain that the cops in all cases aren’t just another branch of criminals.
Fractal technology? I have never heard a spread sheet called that before.
Took me a second. lol
Let’s hope the brutal schedule doesn’t hide that.
I flew in the 90s on a Russian plane in Mexico from the Cancun area to one of the Aztec or Mayan sights. (Maybe chitzen nitza?)The smell of...
Yes, but that gives the uneducated a hint. lol