This is what I taught my sons. When pulled over always be polite to the cop no matter how big of an asshole he is. The goal is to survive and pay...
Deciding where and when to move is always a complex decision with many pros and cons. It is silly to think that bodily autonomy wouldn’t be a...
I am seeing signs that the crazies are being put to the fringe where they belong. Both parties have them but they have been ascendant with trump.
Most of what I know about Catalan I learned reading the master and commander series.
My girlfriend has two sons that played baseball there. I agree.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] From my Uncles window on Lakeshore dr in Chicago. lol
I honestly am not sure if it’s a cheaper form of worker’s comp or a blanket rule by his carrier.
My brother in laws construction company insurance won’t cover anyone under 18 to use any mechanical tool. So I am guessing no workers comp on a...
I think the big circuses like Ringling bros and Clyde Beaty Cole are done. Clyde Beaty Cole used to winter in DeLand. Now smaller animal free...
And big hurricanes spawn tornadoes. I had a tornado come thru the alley between my house and my neighbors. It cut about a 1 mile line thru...
I for one have no problem calling Muhammad a child raping non literate war monger. Were you talking about me?
Belief is declining no matter what anyone thinks. The evangelicals support of trump is a drowning man stepping on another persons head trying to...
Wasn’t there a thread recently about the importance of tree cover? It’s as if there isn’t an easy answer here either.
This may be the first time when guns killed a person not people killing people.
Lots of blame to go around. Only one person is dead though.
Well putting him in a concentration camp was probably not good for his development.
I read the article. The headline is a bit misleading. They kept his heart beating and there is no information on whether or not any brain function...
I remember when Gary Faust a high school coach was signed to coach notre dame. He signed 6 5 star quarterbacks his first year. They were going to...
Etgator1 has now been ignored would have done it long ago but I was confused by him and etgator.