My bad, Don Henley wrote it with a session musician. I think Styx and Jackson Brown had similar themes at the same time in the early 80s.
Representative democracy come to mind. A pure democracy would be every one voting on every issue. California’s proposition thing is closer to a...
I thought we agreed that it was the end of real news and the birth of infotainment? It’s not new didnt Jackson brown have a song dirty laundry...
It sounds like it’s something congress should get involved in. If you don’t think a situation can get worse get the politicians involved. lol
I think I prefer this to NIL. Not sure if I like this if is in in tandem with nil.
Infotainment not news. Call the cable channels what they are. Decisions on what to broadcast are based on what will get the most eyeballs not what...
What I got from your long post was that the decisions that were made were your decisions. I imagine that Trucker had some input but those were...
The xenophobia of Asia also works against them here. In a sane society they could import brides from North Korea but the keep the nation pure...
Most chew toys are plastic.
This also doesn’t mention the fact that Chinese families prefer male offspring. I have seen projections that I believe are exaggerated that 60...
A friend of my parents was a property buyer for Darden and maybe before Darden was divested from General Mills. He had a buddy option the property...
This is a situation where I think the guns were at fault.
I am happy now that I ignore that 1. I didn’t do it earlier because his handle is almost the same as a good moderator.
This is what my crystal ball is telling me the future is but I bought it at the dollar store. So who knows.
A super bug. lol
Didn’t Shakespeare write first we shoot all the lawyers. Look up the actual quote.
I am no military historian but isn’t this the Russian wave. Use your superior numbers and use them as bullet catchers? I remember Catherine the...
Just something I remember from my youth. In the 80s you could get a history degree from West Point but your degree would be a bs not a ba. I...
From my reading we have plenty of those on this site.
I have always said we need to pay cops more have fewer of them and then with the higher pay hold them to higher standards. This cops Douchery in...