But he favored the government making private medical decisions decisions for women. So some here liked that.
I guess i misremembered. I still agree with the sentiment.
That was a quote of Hillary. Don’t know if she said it when Bill was president or during one of her runs. It should be everyone’s goal.
Safe legal and rare. Should be the goal.
I have faith that the younger generations will surpass us. I am 58 my children are in their 20s they are great. Their generation will surpass us...
Peggy Noonan had a really well thought out oped on this. She didn’t blame a side but said the whole country is descending into tribalism.
He may have gotten the most screen time of any of the athletes.
The detective should be arrested for false imprisonment and filing a false report. Cops can’t back off of a lie once they tell it. nothing better...
I am noticing a switch in conversation with trumpeters. They have gone from he is railroaded and innocent to all politicians do it. And from trump...
Didn’t Saddam Hussein try to do that to Kuwait? and we opposed that with American lives.
Ordered the Junger book it is being held in DeLand.
I just saw a show on reintroducing wolves back in Yellowstone and how that is changing the local environment. If wolves can change a local...
I knew a woman who was a librarian at Embry riddle. She taught a course or maybe a seminar on how to determine if a source on the internet is...
I remember working for a boneheaded company that would have us print out reports. Than write the info on a separate piece of paper and then stole...
My thought at the time was Amazon was putting the sears catalog online. Sears already owned prodigy. It’s like they were all set for online...
He did the same to me. I think it may have been a fat finger.
You beat me with almost the same thought. lol. Perhaps I should read the whole thread before commenting.
Kind of like when Boeing bought McDonnell Douglas.
We see things that we thought we’re eternal that died. Sears Kmart both are on the dustbin. I don’t see college football lasting that much longer.
The only model we have is the NFL don’t the players get a little less than 60 percent of the revenue. The values of the teams keep going up.