The new Jake Gyllenhall whodunit on Apple TV was entertaining. Presumed Innocent
Melt for us Rick!
I can’t imagine she’ll let up. She needs to campaign relentlessly.
Absolutely. The two party system is giving us the extremes from both sides. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Completely broken.
Always looking for a new show. I’ll check it out. Thanks.
I legit have no idea what he’s trying to accomplish. I certainly hope nobody is paying him to do this.
I tend to agree she probably wouldn’t have won the primary. But I think she can win the general election. Really working out for the Dems here...
Can he even live until 2028? Way too old.
And he slings more shit lol. Predictably pathetic.
Lol don’t throw your back out there. Harris said she respects anyone who served. Walz served 25 years. You trying to somehow tie this to...
LOL! Trump didn’t have a battalion. He was dodging STDs - his personal Vietnam. An actual quote from that piece of shit.
1) Not a rapist Should I continue?
So instead of slinging shit, you got any ideas to defeat the tribalism?
There absolutely are. Tens of thousands of them. They are simply more scared of extreme liberal views than they are trump. It doesn't mean they...
not completely. For example the misery index is up Americans Are Poorer: The United States Misery Index Rises Again – OpEd – Eurasia Review...
I’d pay $100 to watch Rogan on an Ayahuasca trip. That guy could sure as shit use a heroic dose.
Seems like it stalled. One engine slightly more than the other which put it in a spin. Major vibes to all affected including those whose houses...
Horrific videos. Can't even imagine the terror. Surprised it wasn't Boeing.