That might be all it takes when she’s running against a twice impeached convicted felon rapist who tried to overturn the last election. If the...
Would be great if Trump was forced to spend money to defend Florida.
Beautiful. Need to keep antagonizing him about the crowd sizes so he keeps melting.
Ehhh I’m not that worried about it.
I don't see any need to rush. As the polls continue to shift in her favor she'll have more leverage when negotiating the terms of the other debates.
Sure. But the reaction to Hitler was justified. Look what he did/was doing. THAT was a global existential threat. Hamas is a fledgling...
definitely wouldn’t let him read to my kids.
What specifically excites me is that she’s not Donald Trump and she can win.
Hamas itself is not an existential threat to Israel. They pulled off a stealth sneak attack after years of lulling Israel into complacency. And...
Because WWII was a global affair that involved 70 countries. Nazi Germany and the Japanese presented an immediate and direct existential threat...
Stop comparing this to WWII. So not analogous in any way.
Totally agree. She’s tapping into the youth. Could pay huge dividends.
I specifically said they exaggerate. But does that mean no innocents were killed in this strike? I can't express sympathy for the dead innocents...
Why on Earth would you be banned for saying? What am I missing here?
Why on earth would you need permission?
But back to my point about the exaggerated numbers. I’m sure Hamas exaggerated quite a bit. But that doesn’t mean this didn’t happen and many...
How about the cops just blow up the bank killing everyone in it? Bank robbers neutralized. Who is responsible for all the dead tellers in this case?
I’m not saying that’s the criteria. I’m asking how many innocents were killed. Whenever Israel does something like this one of their playbook...