Black people can't be racist? I had no idea. Also, I said racists love Trump. That doesn't mean if you love Trump you are a racist (but there...
Anyone surprised by the poster on this thread downplaying what Trump did this time or rewriting what he had done in the past. Racists love Trump...
I'm not sure of his strategy. He has the maga/racist demographic locked up. He picks a vp to appeal to that crowd. He makes statements that make...
Yeah, the poster you responded to and people that liked his post are very happy with Trump and his racism. That is the part of Trump they love the...
I've seen some people try to make a distinction between it being the actual bullet, ricochet or shrapnel the bullet caused. No distinction in my...
Yup. People watch "news" that is just an echo chamber of what they want to believe. Take a snapshot of something that is meant to make them...
Everyone who supports trump and 06Jan supports lawlessness. Attacking cops and rioting is perfectly acceptable as long they think it's for a good...
So you're saying JD is dead wrong? Thanks for affirming trump hired another idiot.
"The opening ceremony mocked some art and The Last supper was art, therefore Christianity was attacked". People looking to be offended.
So all in all a pretty respectable source for the OP.
I love watching maga nation become more and more emotionally unhinged.
It's weird since Trump only hires the best. :)
Amazing how gullible some people can be. Trump really does love the uneducated and, for all his faults, he plays them like a fiddle.
So, the "obvious" depiction of the last supper wasn't the last supper at all. 16 pages of outrage for something imagined.
It is the nature of Biden I guess. Apparently not able to dress himself while at the same time hatching 5D chess level plots to overthrow trump....
Freaking hilarious.
Trump didn't defund the police, he and his merry mob of idiots just had them attacked and hospitalized on 06Jan. Then you have his VP: JD Vance:...
On why he shit the bed with respect to healthcare: “I have to tell you, it’s an unbelievably complex subject, nobody knew that health care could...
Or, he would have a coin made. Not actually do anything but it does put another tyrant on equal footing with the USA. [ATTACH]
Drunk this early? Also what is "beyond the level of fraud"? Still can't accept trump got his ass beat by Biden? Tough nut to swallow knowing...