Nope I stand by my point hospitals many times have to make changes during big flu outbreaks etc. I do wonder if ERs wont get swamped by people...
You can still have it but transmission chances go down big time with most viruses with the warmer more humid weather. I would be real surprised if...
I agree a big spike for a few weeks and I tend to agree with some of those experts claiming the reported number is nowhere in the ballpark of how...
Always good to prepare but I doubt in the US we ever see some situation from this virus where our medical facilities are unable to handle all the...
You ever seen people die from the flu up close? I bet they don't look too good at that point. This is a big overreaction. I just hope the...
This stuff is not that bad imo. If the flu isn't overwhelming the system when that outbreak is at its peak in the US then this stuff won't either...
It wouldn't surprise me. This stuff once we have more accurate numbers (if we ever get to that point) will be shown to have a way lower death...
[MEDIA] I hope he is right. I do think there is way more people infected with this stuff than known which will make that death rate come way down...
I think it will be much less than SARS % wise but the total deaths will be lower than H1N1 because that affected a ton of people that they knew...
I will have to look at the numbers but my guess is this stuff will not pass the 12,500 US deaths they attributed to that 2009 outbreak for a year...
Most of the nuts are in the lefty media just trying anything to try and blame Trump. China having their officials now blaming the U.S. Army for...
How do you think this will compare to H1N1 and those other ones once we get a year of data? My guess is it will not be much worse than those other...
Zinc seems to be effective in Korea in people that have caught this. I think they combine it with chloroquine also.
I can't imagine what is going through those mothers' heads right now - the ones that drag their kid to the emergency room at the first sign of a...
I am not worrying about this personally but the coronavirus is definitely showing itself to be more deadly to older unhealthy people compared to...
I agree people shouldn't have too much of an over-reliance on what the "experts" are initially saying. My view on this looking at what we have so...
If Italy's reported numbers are any indication it's hitting people over 60 pretty good with a lot higher chance of death than the flu but ages...