Also it was out of the summer when it got a foothold there. Anybody can see with the tropic weather countries heat affects the spread of this...
Not really from what some people have put out there. Most will say we dont know yet but most things with its spread is showing it should act that way.
I am not worried about this stuff at all being 51. If I had older parents still alive I would take extra precautions around them but all my older...
From reading it probably transmits about the same ways as the flu and will die out in hotter months like the flu as the weather and UV rays...
[MEDIA] My thoughts also.
Yep not sure how some of that is being collected as you would think no one in the US is hardly recovering looking at that recovery stat and that...
[MEDIA] Cuomo wants “all states to be treated the same.” But all states aren’t the same. Some are being hit hard by the Chinese Virus, some are...
We will see I guess. I think anecdotally these actors rushing to have private tests done and showing a lot of positives while feeling alright is...
I am basically basing it off an assumption that we have had at least 100K with this already and most will never get a test because they feel...
If that is close to being true then the death rate on this stuff will eventually be like .35% or so. My own view is there are a lot more than 86%...
Its still real early but considering New York has more restrictions than FL it does appear the growth of this stuff may be getting affected a...
Drive-up coronavirus testing planned for UD Arena parking lot in Dayton [MEDIA] I guess Trump has had enough of China's mess about this virus...
We are about the most equipped in the whole world with ICU bed capacity per capita. I bet Italy doesn't score too well there and their system isnt...
Recession Panel Could Make Its Official U.S. Call Within Months More garbage cheering the lockdowns by the lefty media. Before this lockdown...
Yep and the lefty ones (which there are many) are trying to weaponize this against Trump. The CDC is even loaded with them and that is why they...
Well if you are listening to and believing the lefty media points they will be wrong as usual but then again these are the same idiots that told...
lol Nothing hardly was done for that until many deaths. The US is actually prepared some medical wise unlike Italy and that is why they have the...
I cant wait for some weeks from now to say I told you so to the hypemasters on this nonsense that think the country should come to a halt over this.
The states that don't limit like crazy will not be any worse off due to that but will be better off for many workers financial situation. Below...