My post applies to federal law only. If you read the link I provided it mentions court decisions as they pertain to sheriffs. Whether you or I...
Too bad you can’t teach common sense.
Close to a wash from what I’ve read.
You cannot force them to enforce federal law plain and simple. I was a deputy in Florida, still know lots of currents ones, and a few sheriffs....
My what a prude you are.
Can a Sheriff Choose Not to Enforce Certain Laws? | The Law Office of Anthony B. Cantrell.
Those racists are in for a rude awakening. Curious to what levels the white racists will go to to rig or stop the election? I’d ask for federal...
Lots of fast food restaurants did well during covid with drive through business only. I see that as an option once wages increase to a certain...
A boomer specific virus.
FDS lol
Yep. It’s merely a delivery platform. Cool F16 fact if Aviation Week and Space Tech magazine know their shiz,,, The F16 has a 1.13 to 1 thrust...
My buddy retired from the navy. He was commander of an attack sub. He told me stories you’d expect to see only on TV. This was way back in the...
Agree I wish I could pick and choose as I’m left and right depending on the issue.
No doubt we should be leading but think for a minute about proximity. I’d be concerned more if I were a European country. My biggest...
Charge him and let the process do its job.
Ideally no. However if changes are needed they should gradually be added. Give anyone affected a little notice as many planned their retirement...
Why would I do that?
Platforms are overrated.
If the country we purchase from has tariffs on our goods then I think we should do the same..
I like 6 and 10.