I don’t think being trans will doom you to hell. I have a saying,, you can’t help how you feel. I think, and I may be wrong that trans people have...
fwiw There are many LBGTQ etc. Christian’s. I’d imagine they would be insulted also with some of the comments and pictures posted here about...
I don’t disagree. I’ve been screwed two times in business deals and both were “so called” Christian’s. Unfortunately some people use it to fraud...
I had universal on my beach condo.
I guess it’s more of the generalization than anything else. The post I referred to was that. Hey,,, if it makes people feel better about...
Most of the name companies use an exchange to write homeowners insurance in Florida. Mine is with Regency through Tower Hill. This past week I...
Why do you think that’s a better version?
Trump had 4 years to implement his healthcare plan. Total failure.
Never quite understood the necessity to offend an entire religious group with posts like this.
I see it getting to the point where the seller pays all the commissions at closing as part of their closing costs. Agents will have to decide how...
I’m confused. Oba chandler was found guilty of murdering Joan Rogers and her 2 daughters who were found floating in Tampa Bay? He was eventually...
That too. Lol
I kind of understand your point. I’m not a law scholar or attorney. It’s “my” opinion a sheriff in Florida does not have to and probably won’t...
I don’t have to worry about it as my wife have mine for safe keeping.
That's an old case. Last I checked murder is against the law in Florida. Haven’t read the statue in a while so maybe it’s been changed?
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
You can disagree with people. No need to be hateful.
Florida man fixin the squatter issue.
Tides are overrated.
There are recognized or appreciation days for everyone and everything. I can’t keep up and really don’t care to except for the standard holidays I...