Lol no.
How? You think America would’ve elected ANY Black President in say 1969, even under the same election rules as 2008? If not, wouldn’t that alone...
What is a woman? Also, what’s wrong with being a man (or trans)?
And you’re the poor battered spouse in this equation, yet I’m the one playing the victim.
How about provide actual evidence of racist killings?
I used those examples specifically because they’re the most sympathetic cases. And I noted that Floyd wasn’t during the Obama Presidency. I noted...
You compared Republicans to spousal abusers, which presumably would make you the battered spouse... and you accuse me of playing the victim?...
Did not do anything? A Complete Timeline of Race Relations Under Obama | The Daily Wire He helped turn Black people killed in avoidable...
Ding-ding-ding. We have a winner folks. Obama's the type of guy to give you a back-handed compliment deliberately trying to provoke you then ask...
It'd be one thing if he tried and failed. He chose to sneer at his critics and stoke racial tensions on every race-related story he was...
It's also worth noting that American foreign policy with regards to Iran continues under the Biden Administration. Still trying to be buddy-buddy...
There's nothing that Democrats hate more than mirrors and a taste of their own medicine. As soon as their own rules and standards are applied to...
The Wokescold: "The issue isn't Obama, the issue is all of those pesky Republicans who weren't ready for a Black President (which is generally...
First, I think it's important to note the context of Haley's comment. She was not saying prior to Obama there was no racism in America. She was...
Not to go too off topic, but didn’t Cowherd also say something about how about 50% of men never experience intimacy from a woman. I find that...
Yeah that's terrible. Nobody should want that.
Yeah, I basically meant when you think "football fan," this isn't the first image that comes to mind: [ATTACH] When you think "football fan,"...
Maybe I will until Taylor Swift dates someone in that area, which is probably only a matter of time before that happens.
1. I don't want a Super Bowl watch party to have the feel of a Bachelor watch party featuring Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, or a Taylor Swift...