This kind of crap is why people don’t take accusations of corruption and foul play from Democrats seriously. They treat their own very...
Yeah? Pays to have friends in high places with inside information I guess. Wait, is that illegal?
He's not immune from public scrutiny. But let's not pretend this is a one side of the aisle thing. How did Pelosi accumulate her wealth? She was...
Yep. Defend the institutions you control with everything you have. Do whatever it takes, even if it means lying or burying your opposition....
I think the targeting of Thomas's reputation on this thread by some of our friends from the left while ignoring Nancy Pelosi accumulating her...
Sounds like he's damned if he reports it, damned if he doesn't. The only apparent acceptable answer is to not have wealthy friends who are...
Has Crow been involved in any of Thomas's cases?
“Prosecutorial Discretion” :D
A bit? It’s absurdly disproportionate to the offense.
I may be confusing cases here, but I believe one of the arguments the prosecution made was, “if they did something illegal, it wasn’t peaceful.”...
He’s certainly running a smarter campaign than usual. Being more liberal than the other Republicans on social issues may quell some of the fears...
They honestly might be right. And that’s just a massive self-inflicted political wound on Trump’s part. Don’t see any sort of beneficial strategy...
I also think Democrats have a lot of major institutional advantages which are in many ways both politically unfair and bad for the country, but...
I don't think I speak for all Trump supporters by any means, but I don't think the last election was stolen. I think Democrats have tried to tip...
As a Cuban, I don't think Trump is prejudiced against Cubans. I think he's a guy who wrestles with the truth and says a lot of dumb shit. :D
Fear has a tendency to stoke prejudice. We would all do well to remember that and try to stay rational even when we're frightened. Another...
I don't understand why people act like the birtherism was the worst thing in the world. I can see why it's fringe conspiracy theory type stuff....
That's interesting. I think a lot of people disagree with you, but who knows. Maybe you're right.
You seem to agree with the entirety of my comment with the exception of the extent of progress made in that time frame. Do you think we have...
None of this proves racism. It may prove people being prone to bad information or information not supported by evidence. A lot of Democrats...