"Boogeyman?" "Nonsensical rhetoric on woke?" All the right is doing is highlighting soundbites and writings from progressives and criticizing...
Define "freedom." Funny how it chose "abortion" and "gay marriage" and not "freedom of association" or "guns" for example.
No, you misinterpret my post. I'm not necessarily saying you're a Marxist. I'm saying your argument is the precise sort of argument that Marxists...
Stalin and Castro are nodding their heads in Hell somewhere saying "this guy understands us." Your interpretation of "rights" and "equality"...
Yes, they would, though not necessarily. They are more likely to be authoritarian against hunters, gun-lovers, the patriarchy, pro-lifers, and...
To be fair, I don't think that was Lacuna's intention, or even necessarily whoever wrote the test. I guess my biggest problem with the test is...
The test also forces you to choose between "strong" (and apparently right-wing) leaders, and the animal rights, feminist, pro-choice,...
First of all, thanks to Lacuna for sharing. I understand the purpose of the test is to measure "right-wing" authoritarianism. But I don't...
How does private citizens requesting the removal of books in public schools make Ron DeSantis a dictator? Ask Elon Musk if the Biden...
I view charging parents with involuntary manslaughter in these cases is kind of like charging this kind of parent with involuntary manslaughter:...
Perhaps the parents were negligent, but involuntary manslaughter seems excessive to me. Not saying a reasonable jury can’t find for that, just...
Greatness isn’t exactly exclusive to Elon Musk. Doctors, lawyers, and engineers (which are seen as high end professions) bust their butt and...
Speculation on my part, but I think the divide here is in values: Republicans typically value Greatness (Military and Economic Strength) >...
It's the best country if you want to be great (powerful, wealthy, prestigious, well-respected career professional, etc.) and it's probably more...
I'm not saying that either. But judges/justices should try and put themselves in a position to avoid even the slightest bit of appearance of...
Thomas’s behavior certainly isn’t ideal here, I’m not saying that.
If the whole purpose of insider trading laws is to preserve fiduciary duties from company insiders to shareholders, then why do they also apply to...
Judicial ethics is not a one to one comparison with insider trading. Judicial ethics include appearances of impropriety. In other words, things...
Insider trading is illegal. I don’t know of any exception for Congresspeople in that regard. I’m raising that because whenever we talk about DC...