Everything, Including his first three yrs 9-22 winning %?
Im too lazy to look up the practice window but pretty sure it didnt start until after the conference championship games and then still ncaa...
Someone correct me but the laptop was the coup d’grace. Cam had run afoul of the university wrt plagiarism
Gary Darnell
You make valid observations about optimal in game execution from the staff but as noted above the production doesnt warrant the vitriol some here...
We averaged 31.8 and gave up 28.8 that is a razor thin margin. What should the the target offensive production be, obviously more is better? We...
The dud was your 55ish% comp qb going off at 9/27 should have a good pff this week no? AR did compete the entire game and put the team in...
No worries
I must gave slept through his nattional championship game appearance what year was it?
Im not the person claiming failure of our hire if we dont make the national champ game next year. Im just asking what current coaches are the...
Comparing different eras with what ifs is a slippery slope from factual outcomes. There are more than a few who advocate for cycling through...
Stronger than the conclusion of last year with change of staffs. We are finally in the facility, better athlete housing, nutrition, full time...
Absolutely I’m on record as saying this year our record could be less than mediocre and by years end we would have a stronger program. Nothing...
Hell made to the game they, Won it. Lifes a bitc$ for some who get promoted beyond their abilities and catch lightning in a bottle Totally agree...
If you are gonna jump in mid stream at least read the original post that garnered my response you are now responding to. Do you have anything of...
Not sure of your point. I was responding to what I believe to be an unrealistic standard national championship game in 2nd at a school comment....
Not even SOS coached in a national title game in year two and he had an offensive system that revolutionized the SEC
As you noted Talent/potential dont stack up performance and maturity. School A may look like similar to school B in composite rankings but it...
Guessing i missed our AA WR, out standing FR TE, and top 10 statistical QB transfer as well as competent DBs and LBs. A 50ish comp % QB marginal...
That distance has actually been halved with the introduction of the rugby kicking style but your point is well taken. the change is due the fact...