This all is making me become increasingly fragile
Would hate to lose Filsaime. But doesn’t it seem like we lose a high one last minute every year? This scenario would be far from a disaster.
Brissett. Hardly a trend.
And I know he didn’t get on the field, but in camp Boone was all anyone was talking about. If he’s back healthy that will be like getting a top...
His dad got into coaching too late (due to extended playing career. Kade with be a D-1 coach at some point)
In regards to ETN, I believe Rodney King said it best: “can’t we all just get along?” Yeesh!
It takes a lot nowadays to get me to lol. That did it.
I so badly want to be done with college football and just quit it. I can’t.
Tecmo Bowl
I’d be shocked if he doesn’t get 10-15% of snaps next year as a freshman.
Me too. I just didn’t want to recognize it lol
A date that will live in infamy…. Sorry
I don’t disagree.
And certainly not all bad as far as program is concerned. McClellan to this point seems the biggest loss.
Greatest. Meme. Ever.
And if shemar plays, likely doesn’t come down to that
Max had some good moments Saturday. The throw to the TE on the right sideline early was as good as you can throw it. Hopefully he’ll get a good offer.
Is it to early too start pregame thread for opener?
I’ve alluded to that in a different thread. Does that count?
In all seriousness, are we even LOOKING for an OC?