Can I crappy blocker, yes. Uncontrollable diarrhea, yes. No ankle sprains
Would be wild if former team had one or two “blocks” they could use against certain teams. I mean, it would at least add another element of interest.
Agree 100% on play calling. Like the offense but CBN seems to go into a shell and get very conservative during the game. The best drive was the...
I don’t think we should have ever fired Jim McShark. Ok. I’m kidding.
Well…. If he comes back, he’s our best RB. If he doesn’t, he can’t block.
I think what has been missed a little is what I consider the Big-3 signees: Lagway, Graham, and McCray. These are the Alphas you can build a team...
Well said. And I’d like to give a shout out to @TGATAH for rating your post “friendly”
Let me know your new pastime…. We’ll hangout
Wilson will draw CB1. If Dike can run routes and catch, he’ll get his share of snaps.
Honestly, most predictions around here are pretty gloomy.
From your lips, to God’s ears….
For me, it would almost have to be Seaton to be “huge”. Not that there isn’t others i’d like.
I definitely think he’d make the offense pop.
If he was OC last season, what would you say the record would have been?
These guys are Alpha-Male to the extreme. Many just have to know if they can succeed at the next level. Not saying he leaves. But for us to try...
I hate that….:rolleyes:
Don’t believe him. I heard a rumor….
What would be the reason for waiting? They could announce and he could still coach in the bowl? Give me a reason to actually hope this is real.
Somehow it would be nice to tie-in “respect my decision”