Off topic, but have you noticed how often someone's confidence discussing a topic is so well matched by their ignorance?
I'm not aware of any precedent on restricting civilians rights based on which entitlements or subsidies, but I'll make a deal. I will support any...
1. TLDR can also mean, "here's the summary for those who feel the above is too long, and they didn't read it all." Your confusion on that is fair;...
The real threat is that Trump would have overturned the election if he could. The fact that he "couldn't" seems pretty irrelevant given that he's...
Trump and his team were quite serious in their motivation to keep him in power, IMO. We were just lucky that they were just downright "silly" in...
Another point I feel the need to make. Carrots work better than sticks for encouraging behavior changes. If the intent behind this OP argument is...
For me, the morality gets highlighted because the likelihood of effectiveness is already infinitesimally small. I'm not in favor of restricting...
And while I 100% appreciate the sentiment behind that stance, the reality is that we couldn't successfully police that without pretty drastic...
It was the most serious attempt he and his minions could muster once the pentagon shut down his admin's fishing queries into more drastic and bona...
It should have been clear, imo, but the punishment is restricting their rights to buy any legally sellable product with their own money. Aren't...
Opening argument: "People on food stamps shouldn't be able to use them for cigarettes and alcohol" Response: "They can't. They have to buy those...
TLDR: Republicans want more government to oversee and punish poor people for being poor.
You would set up an S-Corp for liability even if not tax reasons. If some deranged Q nut had fired a gun at a Biden speaking engagement and hit...
I think it's also a major contributor to our obesity issues. So few of our cities are designed to promote walking anywhere. Everything is spread...
This, combined with cable news squandering public trust by saturating viewers with sensationalism and "breaking news" on a 24/7 cycle in an...
So you're example explaining why more people are avoiding the news... is a collection of similar articles that would require readers to have...
Designing and building our entire civil infrastructure around the personal automobile has definitely created a lot of expensive problems that will...
Isn't it astounding that, after being fed poop sandwiches for content over the last decade and a half, a lot of people are deciding they've had...
Presumably to use more A/C and exacerbate the climate crisis, allowing for even more climate lockdowns!