Agreed, but message boards are a bit different than a virtual town square where your comments are accompanied by your name and portrait.
I don't buy that the movie impacted his NFL earnings due to perceptions that he was stupid. I think that's pretty clearly exaggeration in an...
^^^ Like a very small rock. Absorbing nothing and rigidly unyielding, while inconveniencing any poor soul that wanders upon it.
There's an absolute right to free speech, without a doubt. But I do think that social media in general has created this (imo) toxic mindset for...
ITT: Our resident MAGAs and liberal-haters engage in a metaphorical limbo contest where the bar symbolizes class. As of Page 4, all the suspected...
This wording is pretty much my point. You seem to want it both ways regarding the ferocity of your own position, but when push comes to shove,...
Saying America sucks... What are you, some kind of libbie?
So if one somewhat-murky instance of British cops overstepping their authority to infringe on the rights of a citizen is enough evidence to...
Any evidence to support that? Additionally, that blasé comment (oh, most will just have the kid that they absolutely did not want) begs the...
Women having to seek back alley abortions because trained medical professionals are too afraid to provide care is absolutely a punishment that...
Punitive action towards doctors becomes punitive action towards scared women by threatening away providers for safe procedures.
Serious question: what prevents the next Republican president from just undesignating this land?
It gets to the absurdity of the underlying question this article begs its readers not to ask: Is anything about PP providing health care to...
The intent behind this article is as obvious as it is insidious: further tarnish Planned Parenthood's reputation by linking it to human...
Also Kamchatka.
IMO, they've tied up too much of their identity in being "against" anything that liberals are seemingly "for." Liberals and moderates (also...
No more than anyone would call you "pro-choice" for choosing to be insufferably pedantic or choosing to restrict women's rights over there own...
That's actually a very frank but honest and accurate evaluation, imo. He's not saying who bears responsibility for the action, but who ultimately...