It could factor into the financial analysis of automation proposals by increasing the NPV of projected labor expense savings. In other words,...
Political rhetoric, especially debate statements, are not conducive to measured and careful answers. We practically require our candidates to be...
To date, Napier seems to be option 3: Saying all the right things while the outcomes look like doodoo.
I thought better of you, too, but I'm honestly not sure why. What makes for a better leader? 1. Biden saying he would never build another foot...
This strikes me as the entirely wrong flex to use for your political argument. He, along with his admin, changed their stance after seemingly...
I think for some of them, it was a combination of respect for the office (I recall a specific West Wing episode that focuses on that idea of "I...
I'm confident enough in myself and my professional abilities to readily admit that what I do is absolutely easier than a ton of other crafts and...
Me: "It's easier to lift 400 lbs than 600 lbs" You: "Lifting 400 lbs is incredibly difficult. You clearly don't know what you're talking about."...
I did not say that, and tried very carefully to not even imply it. You continue to pick apart a small part of what I say and misconstrue it into a...
More importantly, it becomes a trigger for firing with cause.
I feel like you're looking for an argument where there isn't one, friend. I'm not trying to devalue or undersell the effort that goes into...
Minimal preplanning to reproduce. Creating music or any art obviously takes a ton of work and planning, but Taylor Swift (or any singer) can...
Off the top of my head, I think a key difference is the collaborative nature of major scientific breakthroughs makes it hard for one individual to...
One could even ask how what she provides is more trivial than religion. She is a corporeal being that provides real content that benefits those...
All monkeys and apes have opposable thumbs. They and many other animals make crude tools. Neanderthals had all those things as well, as well as...
A fundamental, if not the fundamental, differentiator for our species is our ability to tell stories or "imagined truths." It's what allowed home...
So cynics have said about famous artists since the beginning of humanity. And so here you are, posting on an internet message board about...
Her music doesn't suck; you just don't like it, which is totally fine. But there's nothing objectively bad about her music. Anyone claiming that...
It's unclear from the article whether the police made the part of the claim that I underlined, or if the journalist provided that detail on their...
From the article: Can anyone provide concrete detail on the accuracy of this claim? On its face, that sounds like a misguided policy.