Wasn't Aikman the top pick in the draft?
I have a friend and fellow UF grad in VA near DC and in that area UF not considered anything special academically. His daughter had a perfect...
Uh I think they show up at a lot of schools' career fairs.
My sister lives in LA and is a UF alum also and her kids didn't even consider UF because out there UF academically is not considered anything...
I definitely am pissed the way they handled Mac but there are many other things over the years that I have not liked about the way things have...
My love of UF HAS been markedly diminished over the last few years due to the way things have been run there. And not just how they're run wrt the...
Yep. And another example of why no one in their right mind should want to coach at a place with such fans. All the chit heads in our fan base are...
When we hire someone uninspiring and this recruiting class completely implodes we might.
The little I've seen of Frosts O didn't look that innovative or exciting to me.
Leach and others have said dumber chit and not been fired. UF just being UF and wanting to save money. Which is the reason we've sucked for going...
How is that? USF has played no one close to the caliber of comp that UT played so him winning a bunch of games there this year means nothing.
And apparently CK. :D
Now that's how you do things. Have your ducks lined up BEFORE you can the coach.
I hated LA when I lived there but still prefer it to Tuskerloser and Columbus. Tough call between LA and tallacrappy.
Gainesville blows away 3 of those. Never been to Ann Arbor but I imagine it blows away that place to since it's cold as chit.
If (and this is a big if) this is true, I don't see the egotists running the show at UF backing down.
Ah, the CK thing was just a smokescreen to get our #1. Dan Mullen. I love spinning. LOL
Well, until that coach burns out from the stress and leaves. Rinse, lather, repeat.
He'll fail at UCLA too. I'm pretty confident of that. Or at least he won't win any nat champs. Not sure what their definition of failing is.
Fortunately I never believed he was coming here or that he was the Messiah.