Me too! It’s going to be a block party. Flags will fly at full mast. I’m going to get drunk high and be uncouth. I don’t drink anymore but...
The Overstock guy too…
Mike Lindell’s future includes a lot of meth and a van by the river.
damn right. An example are the evangelical preacher types with big signs telling me and my fellow concert goers I’m going to hell as I go to the...
There’s only a child in one of the cases. I apologize for your confusion.
The votes were close on those three. The more curious one is Flynn. The jury voted 19-1 to indict that traitor.
We don’t need to convince them we need to thwart them.
There’s your problem no one is killing “tiny people”. Don’t be so hard on yourself you’re full dopy.
To be fair to your wife she wants to control people. Not a gender thing…
Key word “proclaimed” He calls his doper patients “losers and idiots”. Later in another post he “proclaimed” to be a “dentist”. I think he’s...
We’re going to need to see your pic…
Or we can do the right thing and to both.
Heartwarming story.
Objection! Presumes facts not in evidence in your history of posts. But
Well I have some news for you……
Nope I got it before the vax had every symptom known to man felt like I had been in a severe car accident (this was also pre Rinvoq). Two weeks on...
I did before the vax to protect others (except at the gym where everyone took the risk of infection on themselves) During that time I only saw my...
Mask vs. mainlining bleach, horse dewormer and sticking a sunlamp up your ass. You clowns are pathetic.
Poor taste? There would be a special place in hell for him if it existed. I’m sorry that he’ll merely rot in the dirt like the rest of us.
Did Walt flip? That would be a big one…