So glad they’ve passed but the ranks of the GOP and evangelical Christian’s are still rife with them. Their megaphones aren’t quite as loud is all.
Of course you can’t
Man you really struggle with reading comprehension.
Yup we have better alternatives to coal.
I’ve been to Spain and Portugal several times. I can see myself living there. But I just got back from Panamá City and that really opened my...
Who says I hate capitalism.? I work in big company corporate finance. I am well off because of investments I’ve made in myself and America....
I hate your ilk which is turning this country into a shithole. There’s a huge difference that goes right over your head which I attribute to a...
Yeah seriously it’s a clownish statement based on our history. Today we produce a record amount of oil thanks to a strong economy. Our...
Yeah because we have a history of not exploiting the hell every natural resource we have. SMDH at the nonsense
You guys do that all by yourselves…
Wut? It’s a widely held one. Writ large the GOP is a hot bed of evil and many other very bad, no good, terrible things the most minor being a...
Is hard to believe you know so little. I’d ask what you read but…..
Fortunately almost every post by patriotic left of center posters here focuses on what the right does (terrible, no good, very bad things) rather...
Especially since we have the most corrupt ex president on the planet…
So much for the cover. This is what happens when you take out the starters too early. VERY UNFAIR!
Promises promises…
We covered!
This is a heartwarming story, but being Iowa I was hoping for a bucket of pigs blood raining down on his head. Loud Boos Rain Down On Trump at...