First cobra surrender sighting!
Holy crap D is showing out..
Not to pile on but it a bad news cycle for Christians. Got to cringe anytime you hear Christians and soldiers together US arrests six 'Soldiers...
Feel free. In other news DeSatan is a racist, fascist, sadistic midget
Hoo boy! He’s toast.
Neither does one’s professed belief in a God. Good we’ve come full circle.
To be fair to Christians world wide they’re not as nutty and malicious as the evangelical Christians in the US that infect our society and...
Tebow just picked the Vols. He is dead to me, tear down the statue.
You Christians are just so persecuted. You remind me of Bill Donahue of the Catholic league.
Speaking for left of center people like myself it’s hard to be deeply hypocritical when you freely admit to several of the 7 “cardinal” sins. In...
Ya know you’re right. Didn’t cross my mind that he could totally be making this up, attention whore that he is…
As long as you don’t look at Boeberts face…
Youth pastor in Florida says hold my beer… HCSO: Youth pastor and softball coach both arrested for sex crimes involving minors
When someone tells you about their traditional Christian values they’re either lying or don’t understand what it means..
On a related “family values” note. Apparently Gov Noem and noted douchebag Corey Leondowki have been carrying on an open affair for years....
On pending “criminal” allegations. That’s one way to get ahead of the news:). Whatever this dirt bag is denying he’s done far worse. Will enjoy...
Depends. I’ve seen a lot of smokeless vapes. One of my doper (LOL) friends has something that looks like a key fob that he gets a walkabout high...
Speaking of Bettlejuice. After the deliriously happy day when Trump shuffles off this mortal coil and becomes worm food, I will never ever say his...
Makes up for it somewhat with her fun bags….