Parkinson’s being discussed as possible condition. Explains why his aides don’t seem particularly alarmed. They’ve seen this a bunch of times....
As IF! We all know what happened. DeSatan prayed to the Lord of Darkness and sent it to the most anti woke part of Florida
It’s a good combo. Back in the day I’d do a few bumps to get my edge back on when heading out. LSd also goes well with alcohol. I did a purple...
I’ve not seen anyone have episodes like this before. What’s the underlying medical condition? Seizures, mini strokes? Precursor to the big one?
Man Q is getting his Qass handed to him here. I can’t imagine how bad it went for him in the Covid thread. His Quackary is his Qomeuppance.
In which organized religion continues to be a blight on society.
LOL Fox business is 20% business and 80% politics. When they do get around to business it’s so superficial. No in depth analysis most of the...
He has “patients” like some “lawyers” have “clients”
Yeah given that language its safe to say he’s a “doctor” in the same way someone is a “lawyer”.
What does the Q say? Quack Quack!
My doc didn’t know till I told her and she had no issue with it. Truth is no one cares anymore. Only select industries test for it these days....
Q’ mastery of Qspiracies, Quackery and Qedcine shall NOT be Questioned. Please make a Qote of this QSA.
That’s just silly. Not “lawyer” silly but silly. I award you no stars.
Water close to flooding Bayshore on 1PM high tide and standing water near DI on-ramp. Will be sporty at 3am but pretty sure I’ll sleep through it.
It’s a crime in name only. Totally stupid.
Funny you mention that. I don’t drink anymore but was experimenting with making a marijuana tincture. Basically you take 28 grams of pot crumble...
It was so freaking funny.
CONservatives never let facts get in the way of their crazy…..