John MacArthur bringing the truth on abortion. [MEDIA]
I have a few podcasts I follow. One of them was discussing this topic. Things like Critical Race Theory, Critical Gender Theory, etc began as...
I'm not aware of an obsession, but the ball is rolling. Pedophilia is being rebranded as "minor attracted persons," and there will be a push to...
Feelings have nothing to do with rights. I'm sure a pedophile has strong feelings about molesting children, but that it in and of itself does not...
I was reading John Calvin’s commentary on Psalm 2 yesterday, and he mentioned specifically that one of the ways the nations rage against Christ is...
Numbers 5 does not speak of abortion for a few reasons. Women don't normally miscarry when they drink dusty water, so the human actions of the...
The story of Lazurus and the Rich Man. The rich man let Lazurus starve to death, and the rich man awoke in hell after his death. What the pill...
The pill causes death by starvation. That is murder.
My standard of right and wrong is based on the Bible. That is the standard by which an ethical proposition is measured. The Bible does not...
I understand that there are scenarios where the life of the mother is in endangered. Those scenarios happen, but abortion mills kill thousands of...
Two people make an appointment to meet. When the parties arrive at this appointment one person brings the victim the other person brings the...
Abortion isn't life saving, and it isn't care. It is the premeditated taking of a human life with malice aforethought.
Securing a subpoena in an abortion case should require no more or no less evidence than what is required to secure a subpoena in a normal homicide...
I suppose you could look at it that way, but the right to privacy makes investigating a miscarriage/abortion much more difficult than...
I'm not completely familiar with the legal code for securing an indictment for homicide, but whatever the procedure is for that...that is what the...
All I am advocating for is abortion have the threshold of evidence for a charge or a conviction as any other form of murder. The legal procedure...
I never said anything about contraceptives. I haven't fully researched the issue, but I'm willing to bet not all contraceptives are the same....
This is an outrageous straw man. No one that is pro-life that I know believes due process should be suspended. The state would still have to...
The cat is out of the bag. People know it is murder. See the women in this video as exhibit A. [MEDIA]
It is in scripture, and it is not an abortion. It was a procedure used for a time to find out adulterers.